Monday, June 28, 2010

Discussion Preparation

Excellent lessons today guys - I was really impressed!!!
This week please choose a topic that you want to do for our final discussions on July 13th. Do most of your research this week and bring it to class. In the next class we will make an outline, write a good introduction, prepare materials, etc.
Let me know if you need help choosing a topic or finding materials, ok?
Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Next class you will teach 3 students your language lesson. You will have 30 minutes with your group to finish plans and to practice. Then you will have 10 minutes to teach your lesson.


Do not forget that on July 6th we have our last written and oral reports! Think about what you want to do and start your research soon.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Lesson Planning

In our next lesson I will explain my formula for planning lessons. This formula can be used for any kind of lesson - from kids to adults! I will then give you a very short demonstration lesson. After that, you and your group will plan a lesson for greetings and counting to 5 in a foreign language (the language will be a surprise).


Please answer ONE of the questions below in the comments.


1. Can you think of a fun lesson activity that you did as a child or in high school?


2. What is a good activity that you have done at TUFS or in a foreign language school that helped you learn?


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Case study: Cetlalic School

In 1999, I went to Cuernavaca, Mexico to study Spanish for a month. Out of the many language schools in Mexico, I chose this one because of its unique approach to teaching and learning. Check out the website HERE and prepare the answers to the questions below. We will go over your answers in class.
1. What is Cetlalic's teaching philosophy?
2. What do you think makes them different from other lanugage schools?
In the comments, please answer ONE of the questions below:
1. Have you studied in a foreign language school? What were the good/bad points?
2. Would you like to study in a foreign language school? What and where? How would you want to learn the language?