Sunday, October 24, 2010

Out of School Education

In next class, we will talk about four different ways to get an education outside of a classroom. Check out the links below and then in the comments tell us about something interesting you found.



  1. After checking The Book Bus, it's interesting that you can be a volunteer to join The Book Bus around some of countries. I think it's a very meaningful thing for education and for children who have no opportunity to study. Anyway,I want to donate the books if I could.


  2. After checking Outward Bound, I found that this organization is very funny.It looks like a adventure organization, helps people discover and develop their potential to care for themselves, others and the world around them by engaing in challenging experience in new environments. I have a fear of heights, so this organization is fit for me.


  3. The project of Book Bus was interesting for me. It's very important to learn to read and write,
    but in those countries have a low literacy late. So this activities contribute to improve the environment of those areas. And it's also good to be participated in this project very easily.

    Mamina Kanezashi

  4. I found the project of WWOOF interesting. I once joined a program similar to that and learned a lot of things. Also, you can meet new people through the experience and know different way of thinking about life.


  5. I didn't know many kinds of program like WWOOF, the Book Bus and so on. I think if we could join these activity, we would learn much more thing than we suppose. It's very important for us to comunicate with many people and try to know and help each other. But actually we need a lot of time to do that.


  6. I found the WWOOF project very interesting. What I found most interesting was that the WWOOF volunteers do not need to pay for their stay, nor do WWOOF hosts pay their volunteers for their work and they live for some time as a family. It does make sense because they are helping each other.

    Once I opened the webpage of The Book Bus, I suddenly remembered that I had donated books to this program before. It was probably about ten or eleven years ago and I do not remember what books I donated, but I think it was for a project that my school recommended us to do.


  7. I didn't know all educations which you picked up. Especially,I was surprised that tere is Outward Bound International in Tokyo.
    It's a very interesting education for me that I can change my attitude and mind through its course.I would like to take the course if I have the chance to take it.It must be scaring though...


  8. I am interested in the book bus. Children can learn so many things that they can't learn at school through reading books.
    Moreover, they can join art and music activities. I think they're very attractive and children must enjoy them!


  9. I found the Book Bus is a very good way for education. When I was small, I've also used a kind of the Book Bus which came one a week to my town. I remember that I really liked reading and thanks to reading I've learned a lot of things. I want that the Book Bus will be more popular throughout the world.


  10. About the project of the Book Bus, I felt so interesting and it even made me want to join this project. Not only reading, but also playing the game or doing an activity like arts or crafts in order to further their understanding about the book, is one of the reason why I like this idea.
    I think such an activity aroses the curiosity of the children, which leads to not passive, but active leaning.


  11. I'm interested in the Book Bus.
    It will help children who don't have the opportunity and money to study to interest in knowledge.
    They think that they shold put working before studying because of their poverty.
    But if they feel hunger for knowledge, they might start to try to get it.
    And to make them interested in the knowledges, giving them pleasure is the best way, I think.
    So, I think that this peoject is so good.


  12. I'm interested in tbe WWOOF.
    I checked out the links and I found that we can join in Japan, too.
    Thanks to this activity, I hope more people to be interested in nature and agriculture.


  13. I found WWOOF interesting. It is because we can learn something through this program.
    This program doesn't pay for host nor helper, so all of volunteers take part in this program in order to learn something.
    Some want to learn how to make organic things, others want to experience organic lifestyles.
    I think this is a kind of pure studies.

  14. The coment above is mine.
    I'm sorry not to write my name.


  15. I checked The Book Bus and I'm so interested in it.
    According to their Website, their aim is to tell the value and fun of reading to children in Zambia and Ecua etc...
    I think it is a very good oppotunity for them because they can get whichever they've ever wanted to read with this mobile library.
    To motivate them to learn more and more, this vehicle seems to be good "Out of Education" to me.


  16. ↑ sorry...correct a mistake, "Out of School Education"


  17. The information about the book bus is interesting to me.
    My elementary school tried to do the similar project. Elementary schools in my city exchanged books each other. So we could read many books in my city.


  18. I'm interested in Outward Bound, because their courses look new and super fun! They provide adventure courses such as rock-climbing, paddling, sailing and camping to develop capacities of mind, body and spirit.
    I'm so glad to know that they have a branch in Japan, too.


  19. The Book Bus was very interesting for me. With books, we can learn so many things and it's easy way to discover a new world.
    Besides, I love kid's so I'm also interested in this type of volunteer work.


  20. Outward Bound seemed like a very interesting program and it reminded me of the summer camps I've went to as a child. We would spend a week in the mountains and do various outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, and campfires. I enjoyed the unique experience and I think it would be the same for many children around the world.

  21. I'm very interested in the Book Bus and sympathize their belief that every child should have the opportunity to discover the hidden treasures that books contain.
    This activity can help children who don't have the opportunity to read book.

