Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Next class we will be talking about discipline in schools. Please think about the following questions and answer one in the comments:

1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

2. Were you ever disciplined? What happened? How do you feel about it now as an adult?

3. If you have had an experience as a teacher/tutor, did you ever discipline a student?
Also, if you are interested in this topic for your next presentation, HERE is an interesting article about discipline.


  1. If you have had an experience as a teacher/tutor, did you ever discipline a student?

    I work as a tutor in an indivisual teaching cram school.
    One of my student is so lazy that she often forgets to do her homework. So, I said her "If you can't finish your homework, you mustn't go out with your friends."
    She made effort from then, but about a month later, she forgot to do her homework, so I disciplined her. I told her mother not to let her go out for one month. Her mother got angry with her laziness and the student regretted it.


  2. I'd like to wirte about the discipline at my high school.

    When I was first grade, the school permitted only white "normal" socks. But lots of students wore white "loose" socks, which the school really hated. It was always big issue between students and teachers.
    This prolem was, however, solved so simply by giving students a wide choice of socks.
    Once navy-blue socks were permitted, almost all of students choose those and nobody ever wore white "loose" socks.
    Both students and teachers were really hoppy about that.

    It showed that sometimes too strict discipline doesn't work well, and it's good to let students act freely.


  3. 1. What was discipline like in your school?

    When I was a junior high school student, there was a strange discipline in my school. The entire number of students gathered on the playground in the morning once a week, then the teacher called 3or5 students randomly to read the text of a Chinese book or English book without having books in front of everybody. If you were chosen by the teacher then couldn't read the text correctly, you may be feel embarrassed. And your class teacher may get angry with you.


  4. 2. Were you ever disciplined? What happened? How do you feel about it now as an adult?

    Yes,I was disciplined,When I was a Grade2 student of primary school. At that time, I got very bored with the math homework, so I didn't do them, then the next day I was disciplined by my math teacher. At her lesson, I was standing at the back of the classroom. At that time, I felt nothing about it, but now as an adult, I feel ashamed.

  5. I am sorry, I forgot to write my name. I am Ko(female).

  6. 1,What was discipline like in your school?

    In my school there was lots of discipline about appearance. For example, if hair is longer than her shoulder it must be tied, the skirt must be longer than a knee, and almost all things were specified.
    Aithough there was lots of discipline, it was not so strict. Actually we must use specified things, but if her skirt was shorter than that, there was no punishment. As an adult, I think teachers wanted us to be a dignified person.


  7. 1,What was discipline like in your school?

    In my schoo we also had a lot of discipline about appearance, from the color of hair to the length of the skirt. Teachers were always supervising us and sometimes I felt uncomfortable about it. Those kind of discipline is very common and I think the school wanted students to be seen serious and clean.


  8. 1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

     When I was a student of junior high school, there were strict disciplins. For example, it was about socks, shoes, bag, color of hair, the length of skirt even though these were not restrict clearly in school rules.
    But in high school, our school was very free. There was few refulations and except that, We always choose as we want. I always wear shirts with a lot of a frill, with cute ribbon. My hair color was bright with perm, and I wear pierced earring. It was the point which I love about my highschool.

    Mamina Kanezashi

  9. 1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

    When I was an elementary school student, I did't really like the school lunch. So i often couldn't have all of my lunch. However, my teacher tried to make me have what I disliked. So after lunch time, I had to finish my lunch in the classroom lonely. I hated the time so much.


  10. 1.My high school has strict disciplines about appearance.Every month teachers checked students. We were not even allowed to fix our eyebrows.I didn't like these disciplines. I always covered my forehead with bangs,so that people can't see my untidy eyebrows.


  11. 3. When I was a teacher of a cram school, there was a so lazy girl. She always did nothing neither at home nor at the cram school. I wanted to scold her but it was obvious that, if I did, she would never come there again. And I had been feeling that, for her, defeating or bothering adults with prepareing so many excuses was some kinds of pleasure. So I, who is so competitive by nature:), began to try persuading her very logically and deprived of her all the excuses for laziness.
    For example, If she said learning maths was no useless, I enumerated why she whould be in trouble without it.
    As a result, she, who gradually understood that she couldn't defeat me in word and that she couldn't bother me, began to study without saying any excuses.
    But now I think this way was not good because the fact that she didn't like study didn't change or worse, it must have been so stressful to study for her because I threatened her and taught that studying is an obligation.
    I think I should have taught her the pleasure of studying and that, if the students are so lazy, it result also from the teachers.
    Even if there are some situations that we have to discipline the students, usually, teahers also have to revise their way of teaching and try to make them want to study.


  12. 2. Were you ever disciplined? What happened? How do you feel about it now as an adult?

    Yes.When I was 5 or 6 grades, the students including me didn't clean up the library, chatted, played and ran, and had fun.
    Teacher found them and said "who is bad boy or girl." I was surprised everyone said "It's Maki." although I was a chearful girl.
    She took me to the teachers' room, scoled me and beat me with a bat.
    It's too strict for me,and don't want to remind it...


  13. 1.

    I don't think discipline was so strict in my school days, or I don't have a clear memory about discipline.
    The only thing that I can remember is that in junior high school, we were prohibitted wearing the ankle socks during P.E class. In those days, it was in fashion and everyone wore.
    Since the ankle socks were prohibitted, I wore socks that were a little longer than ankle.


  14. 1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

    I think this is a rare case but there was no discipline and also no uniform in my high school. When we go to school, we wore whatever we want and we could go everywhere after school. It was very comfortable. I think disciplines are needed for most of schools but too much strict disciplines make students behave badly. Disciplines should be used just for protecting students.


  15. 2. Were you ever disciplined? What happened? How do you feel about it now as an adult?

    When I was 2nd-grade at my high school, I belonged baseball club.
    One day, I was very exhausted because of hard training, so I became so sleepy...and slept during class.
    A teacher(he was also a baseball manager) found my sleeping and slapped my cheek, and he said "Even if you are tired, don't sleep during class!"
    Of course, I admit that I was wrong as a student now, but I also think corporal punishment isn't good for students if they have a reason why they did so. Teachers should listen to students' excuse.


  16. 2. Were you ever disciplined? What happened? How do you feel about it now as an adult?

    Yes, I was.
    When I was 4th grade in elementary school, our teacher disciplined us because we were very noisy in classroom.
    He was disciplining us for 2 hours!
    I thought it was too useless then, but I think his discipline had meaning now.
    If there were no discipline, I would be very bad.


  17. 1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

    My junior high school has strange discipline about appearance. Because my school six-year secondary education, there are some differences in discipline. High school students are admitted ponytail, but junior high school students are not admitted. Of cause students are not admitted to make their hair permed or colored too.
    The school said "it is for students to be protected". But why junior high school student are not admitted ponytail? I have never got the answer until now.
    I think there are many meaningless discipline.

    Tomoko Nakamura

  18. 1

    When I was in junior high school, my teacher desciplined us to gather before ten minutes of decided time to start lessons on time. I think this discipline made me responsible for the time.

    Misato Fujii

  19. 1. What was discipline like in your school? What were the good and bad things about this form of discipline?

    In my junior high school, there were lots of disciplines. Some disciplines are stupid like “Don’t wear any socks but white one” but the discipline that was hated the most was about length of skirt. Though skirt must be longer than knees, almost every girl rolled and made their skirt shorter, and unrolled them when teachers started checking appearance of students. So the discipline was almost meaningless. But I liked it coz I hated really strict disciplines.


  20. 2.
    I was disciplined in high school when I didn't do my homework at all. I was kicked out of class and was told to come to the teacher's room afterwards. It was pretty embarrassing then, but it is a nice memory now.


  21. When I was a child, my mother always taught me " Never forget to say "thank you. " and "I' m sorry. ".
    And now I realize that it was the most important discipline I' ve ever had. Bacause if we forget these two frases, we can never get good relationship with others.
    Atsuko Takeuchi
